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Poster Instructions

Poster Instructions

Research poster presentations are used by students and professionals to effectively communicate research at conferences, academic/scientific organization meetings, or competitions. Regardless of the content, the presenter's goal is to display information in a clear, concise manner while generating interest to engage in a discussion. Poster conferences usually host rows and rows of research posters, so the poster should be easily scanned by observers with clear organization and coherent design.


Below are a few guidelines for poster creation:

  • Poster dimensions should be no larger than 36” x 48” (3 feet high by 4 feet wide).
  • Title at the top of poster with authors, and acknowledgement of affiliation/programs (logo).
  • Include authors from research (Presenter, Graduate Students, PI/Faculty Mentor).
  • Receive approval from PI/Mentor prior to printing and presenting.
  • Poster boards and posting materials will be provided.

Poster Resources

The presenter will be responsible for printing if not submitted by the deadline (February 19). See below for resources in the Merced community for printing. Consult with your PI/Mentor prior to printing.




528 W. Main St.

Merced, CA

$ 30 +tax

Turnaround Time: Same day or next day



20 W Olive Ave.

Merced, CA

Order Banners 3’ x 4’ printed on polypropylene film - Sturdier than Card-stock and mobile.

$ 38.29

Turnaround Time: Same day or next day


King Signs and Graphics Inc.


1004 W. 15th St. Suite A

Merced Ca, 95340

$ 56 +tax

Call for Turnaround Time


Minuteman Printing

(209) 626-5288

3090 M St. Suite 8

Merced, CA 95348